“King George of England”
William Branham claimed that King George of England was healed from multiple sclerosis and stomach ulcers after he prayed for him in 1950. He also claimed that he was with his former campaign manager, Ern Baxter, and saw King George in Vancouver, British Columbia when the King visited the city.
When the events allegedly occurred, King George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George) was the King of the United Kingdom and British Dominions. It is therefore clear that King George VI was the same “King George of England” to whom William Branham referred and based his related claims.

William Branham's first claims that King George was healed of multiple sclerosis.
William Branham's first claims about King George were in two sermons he preached on August 10 and 24, 1950. Therein, he did not claim that King George was healed of multiple sclerosis, but only that another man was healed of it and word thereof was sent to the King who, in turn, sent for William Branham to go pray for him, as follows,
“Not long ago at Fort Wayne meeting. . . .There a man with multiple sclerosis, lay ten years bound on the bed, his spine damaged. . . . I moved down; I said, 'You believe me?' Said, 'Sir, lay your hands upon me; that’s all I desire.' I laid my hands upon him. . . .Immediately life came into his body, his crutches…?… Down through the building he went…?… It even caused the king of England to send for me to come pray for him. I got the letters of it now. King George of England, where we just came from… There…?… went and told him what had taken place, and what it done. 'Brother Branham he sent and he prayed a prayer…'” “Expectations” (50-0810).
“I believe that was the last night, the night the man was healed of multiple sclerosis, that sent the word to King George of England, which I have his statement. God had healed him. And the man had been bed patient ten years with multiple sclerosis. He's perfectly well tonight, glorifying God.” “To Whom Is The Arm Of The Lord Revealed?” (50-0824).
Just three days later, on August 27, 1950, William Branham changed his story from the man was healed of multiple sclerosis to “King George of England” was healed of it a few weeks ago, as follows,
“King George of England was healed a few weeks ago of multiple sclerosis.” “Take The Rod And Gather The People” (50-0827E).
William Branham's next claim of King George being healed of multiple sclerosis was in a sermon on May 6, 1951, as follows,
“Now, King George of England is healed of multiple sclerosis. He’s well. He’s a well man.” “At Thy Word” (51-0506E).
During 1951–1965, William Branham made numerous other claims in his sermons that King George was healed of multiple sclerosis after praying for him. (Those claims can be read on the last page under the heading, “Sermon Quotations of William Branham About King George.”)
Was King George healed of multiple sclerosis in 1950 as William Branham claimed?
Multiple sclerosis (MS), from which William Branham claimed the King was healed in 1950, “is a chronic autoimmune disorder affecting movement, sensation, and bodily functions. It is caused by destruction of the myelin insulation covering nerve fibers (neurons) in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).”[1]
It was not possible for King George to have been healed from MS in 1950 as William Branham claimed because King George never had or suffered from that disease at any point in his lifetime.
From 1948–1951, the King suffered from three conditions that were were distinctly different from MS and caused by his years of heavy cigarette smoking.
Those conditions were Buerger's disease, arteriosclerosis and lung cancer, as is evident below.
“As reported by Alan Michie in "God Save The Queen," published in 1952 (see pages 194 and following), King George VI was diagnosed with the [Buerger's] disease in late 1948 and early 1949. Both legs were affected, the right more seriously than the left.”[2]
“The world first heard of the King’s artery trouble in 1948, when he gave up public appearances because of pain in his right leg and foot. His doctors decided that their patient was a victim of thromboangiitis obliterans, also called Buerger’s disease. They found, too, that all his arteries were hardened beyond his years.”[3]
“King George VI had been in declining health since 1948, increasingly plagued by pain and numbness resulting from arteriosclerosis.”[4]
“In November 1948 he was diagnosed with the onset of arteriosclerosis and his doctors insisted that he should cancel the tour of Australia and New Zealand.”[5]
“It was the summer of 1949. George VI lay in bed in Buckingham Palace following an operation to cut a nerve at the base of his spine. The lumbar sympathectomy was designed to counteract the arteriosclerosis — a stiffening of arteries — the King now suffered as a result of too much stress and too many cigarettes.”[6]
“The Second World War took a toll on the King’s health, and it didn’t help that he was a heavy smoker. He developed lung cancer and underwent a serious leg operation for a circulatory ailment, which threatened the loss of his limb.”[3]
“On September 23, 1951 King George VI had his left lung removed during a surgery conducted by Dr. Clement Price Thomas after a malignant tumor was found.”[7]
Both Buerger's disease and atherosclerosis are, in fact, associated with tobacco smoking,
“Buerger's disease (also known as thromboangiitis obliterans) is a recurring inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) of small and medium arteries and veins of the hands and feet. It is strongly associated with use of tobacco products,[1] primarily from smoking, but also from smokeless tobacco.”[8]
“Atherosclerosis is caused by repeated injury to the walls of arteries. Many factors contribute to this injury, including high blood pressure, tobacco smoke, diabetes, and high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Blood vessel blockage due to atherosclerosis a common cause of heart attack and stroke.”[9]
[1] The Free Dictionary by Farlex, https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/multiple+sclerosis
[2] “Thromboangiitis obliterans”, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thromboangiitis_obliterans
[3] Samuelson, Kate. "Everything to Know About the Death of King George VI, As Seen On The Crown", Time Magazine,
[4] https://www.vanityfair.com/style/society/2012/01/queen-elizabeth-201201
[7] https://rebeccastarrbrown.com/2017/02/06/february-6-elizabeth-ii-ascends-the-throne/
[8] The Full Wiki citing Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://www.thefullwiki.org/Buerger%27s_disease
[9] https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/heart-and-blood-vessel-disorders/atherosclerosis/atherosclerosis
King George's affliction in his lower body was apparently not alleviated by Divine intervention, but by medical intervention.
There apparently is no documentation or other evidence to support William Branham's claims that the King was completely healed of MS by Divine intervention when he “went to England” to see him. Consequently, all such claims of his including these that follow are unsubstantiated and unfounded,
“. . . a friend to the king’s private secretary, and through there King George of England sent word to me. . . .To come pray for him of multiple sclerosis, and so I couldn’t go up that time. . . .Later when I went to England, over there, to see him, and the Lord healed him. He was—couldn’t even stand up over five minutes at a time, and he… I believe the second day he played eighteen holes of golf, and never was bothered with it no more until the very day he died.” “Testimony” (53-1129E).
Not only are his many claims of Divine intervention unsubstantiated and unfounded, but there apparently is no reference in the Royal Archives to any visit of him with King George VI.[10]
Moreover, the facts instead demonstrate that the King's affliction in his lower extremities were alleviated by medical intervention,
“On March 12, 1949, the King underwent a lumbar sympathectomy, performed at Buckingham Palace by Dr. James R. Learmonth. The operation, as such, was successful, but the King was warned that it was a pallative, not a cure, and that there could be no assurance that the disease would not grow worse. From all accounts, the King continued to smoke.”[11]
“In 1949, he underwent a lumbar sympathectomy, which was performed in Buckingham Palace, for incapacitating ischemia of the right leg. At that time, this was about the only surgical procedure employed for the management of arterial insufficiency of the lower limbs, and his symptoms improved.”[12]
“The King and Queen were expected to embark on a tour Australia and New Zealand but it had to be cancelled after he suffered arterial blockage in his right leg, which threatened the loss of the leg and was treated with a right lumbar sympathectomy in March 1949. . . His health slightly improved, well-enough to let him open the Festival of Britain in May 1951.”[13]
Because the King's “health slightly improved, well-enough to let him open the Festival of Britain in May 1951”, it is evident that he was not fully cured of his affliction in his lower body despite William Branham's claims above that he was completely healed in 1950 and “never was bothered with it no more until the very day he died.”
And the King's problems in his legs would not have just “improved”, but would have been completely cured if he was “healed instantly” as William Branham claimed in the following statement,
“And as you all know that when I went there and prayed for King George when he had multiple sclerosis and he was healed instantly; the next day played eighteen holes of golf, and he couldn’t even set up for just a few minutes at a time.” “Why?” (61-0413).
In addition, if William Branham's claims were true, it would mean the Lord completely healed the King despite the fact that he “continued to smoke” after his operation in 1949 and engage the very activity that caused his affliction.
The fact however remains that the King was not able to continue to smoke without further complications and ramifications in his life because he ultimately died in his sleep on February 6, 1952 at the age of 56 from more blockage and clotting in his cardiovascular system (i.e. by “coronary thrombosis, which is a blocking of blood flow to the heart, as a result of a blood clot in an artery”, i.e. a heart attack.)[14]
Although coronary thrombosis was the official cause of King George's death, William Branham also falsely claimed the King died instantly from a blood clot to his brain, as follows,
“And I was in Africa when he died. They found a little tumor here on his lung. They started to cut it open and air got to it some way, I don’t know, and caused a blood clot to go to his brain and killed him instantly. So very fine man…” “Testimony” (53-1129E).
William Branham's claims that linked the man with MS to King George are also unfounded.
William Branham evidently sought to demonstrate that his story of King George was true by linking his claims of the man who was healed of MS to King George, as follows,
“Not long after that King George of England when a man by the name of, I forget, at Fort Wayne… You remember the meeting in Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle. The Lord had… It was a businessman of the city. He had multiple sclerosis and had been a bed patient ten years. And a vision come over the man, and he was made perfectly whole. Walked… Lehman was his name. Walked up…
And he was a friend to the king’s private secretary, and through there King George of England sent word to me. I have his statements and have his letters of his fields and every… To come pray for him of multiple sclerosis, and so I couldn’t go up that time. So I just wired back and told the king that I would pray for him here, that God would hear here just the same as he would over there.” “Testimony” (53-1129E).
“Two years later I was in Finland, I’d just come from… Went over… King George had sent me two cablegrams. I have them at my home, with his seal and so forth, letters, to pray for him. For this Mr. Lehman had been healed of multiple sclerosis out of Fort Wayne.” “Do You Now Believe?” (53-1106).
“Not long ago at Fort Wayne meeting. . . .There a man with multiple sclerosis, lay ten years bound on the bed, his spine damaged. . . . I moved down; I said, 'You believe me?' Said, 'Sir, lay your hands upon me; that’s all I desire.' I laid my hands upon him. . . .Immediately life came into his body, his crutches…?… Down through the building he went…?… It even caused the king of England to send for me to come pray for him. I got the letters of it now. King George of England, where we just came from… There…?… went and told him what had taken place, and what it done. 'Brother Branham he sent and he prayed a prayer…'” “Expectations” (50-0810).
The main problem with William Branham's claims above is that King George VI never had MS, as demonstrated above, and therefore the man who was allegedly healed of it did not have the same disease in common with the King. Because the two diseases were distinctly different, it is questionable whether the King would have sent two cablegrams and entreated William Branham to travel across the ocean to England to pray for him in that context.
Although William Branham claimed that he had the two cablegrams or letters from the King at his home, he apparently never showed them to anyone and there has never since been any verification of their existence and authenticity.
Thus, it is clear that William Branham's claims about the King calling for twice to go to England to pray for him to be healed of “multiple sclerosis” are entirely unsubstantiated and unfounded.
In addition, there apparently is also no testimony or account from the man who also was allegedly healed of MS (Mr. Lehman) or anyone else to substantiate William Branham's claims about him. Consequently, all of those claims are also unsubstantiated and unfounded.
[10] “. . . the Royal Archives failed to find any reference to Branham’s visit . . .”
Source: http://www.dealpentecostal.co.uk/Miracles%20through%20Church%20History.pdf
[11] http://www.thefullwiki.org/Buerger%27s_disease
[12] Lowenfels, Albert, MD. “The Case of the Man Who Lost a Lung But Won a Prize” March 2011. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/738510_3
[13] http://royal-splendor.blogspot.com/2019/02/king-george-vi-dead-at-56.html
[14] Sources: “Who Was Queen Elizabeth II’s Father? How King George VI Died”
See also, “George VI of the United Kingdom” http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/George_VI_of_the_United_Kingdom
and “Everything to Know About the Death of King George VI, As Seen On The Crown” http://time.com/4560425/king-george-death-the-crown/
Was King George healed of stomach ulcers in 1950 as William Branham claimed?
When William Branham made his first claim in 1950 that King George was “healed” of multiple sclerosis (MS) after he prayed for him that year, he made no mention of the King also being “healed” of stomach ulcers.
It wasn't until 1951 that he first claimed the King was also “healed” of ulcers, as follows,
“Coming into the Jeffersonville office there, came a cablegram from King George of England, 'Brother Branham, I understand through my secretary that one of his friends was healed of multiple sclerosis. I desire of you to come pray for me, that our Lord Jesus will heal me.' And I know the Angel of God which said, 'You’ll pray for kings and monarchs and great men.' Oh, I asked Him if I could go. Now, King George of England is healed of multiple sclerosis. He’s well. He’s a well man. His ulcers is gone. Oh, my. Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I’m found, I was blind, but now I see.” “At Thy Word” (51-0506E).
Thereafter, William Branham made only three other claims in his 1,205 recorded sermons that the King was also “healed” of stomach ulcers. He did so in 1956, 1958 and 1965, as follows,
“Not long ago, a brother that used to be with me and managed my campaigns, Brother Baxter, he's preached right here in Chicago to you many times. He was speaking at when the late King George and the Queen came by Vancouver... That was before he was healed. And he had ulcers in his stomach and he had a multiple sclero--sclerosis and he just could hardly set up. But yet with his royal blood, he set like nothing was wrong with him as he passed down through the streets. And Mr. Baxter said he just stood there and wept, because there passed by his king and queen. I thought, 'Oh, if that would make a Canadian feel that way about an earthly king and queen, what will it be when Jesus comes?' My.” “Elisha The Prophet” (56-1002E).
“Up in our neighboring nation, Canada, some time ago, my good friend, Brother Baxter from Vancouver, we were up there at the visit of King George. That was before he had been healed with the multiple sclerosis and his ulcerated stomach. And I certainly had a respect for the man. And when he came down through the street that day, yet suffering, they said, intense pain from both his sclerosis and his ulcer, he set straight, bowing to his subjects as he passed along the street.” “Behold, I Stand At The Door And Knock” (58-0521).
“I remember I was in Canada when the King George…The one I had the privilege of going praying for, when he was healed, with that multiple sclerosis; he was suffering that day, from the sclerosis, and also he had a stomach trouble, an ulcer; as many of you Canadians know, and Americans, also. But seeing him pass down through there, sitting in that carriage, he—he was a king. He conducted himself as a king. His beautiful queen sitting by him, in her blue dress, and as he come down the streets.” “Doors In Door” (65-0206).
Because William Branham claimed in at least forty-five of his recorded sermons that the King was healed of MS, but only claimed in four of those sermons that the King was also healed of stomach ulcers, his claims about the King also being “healed” of ulcers are not believable.
In addition, the above claims related to King George are also not believable because William Branham was not with his campaign manager, Ern Baxter, when King George passed through Vancouver, Canada, as is thoroughly demonstrated in the next section.
It is apparent that King George was not “healed” of stomach ulcers in 1950, as William Branham led people to believe, because the King was cured of his stomach ulcers much earlier in life.
In fact, the King was cured of his gastric problems in 1917 (thirty-three years earlier), as is evident below,
“In August 1916 he was diagnosed as suffering from a duodenal ulcer. Rest alleviated the symptoms and the prince returned to sea duties in May 1917 on HMS Malaya as acting lieutenant. He had been made KG on his twenty-first birthday. His persistence with naval service finally had to end in July 1917 when his stomach and other symptoms of debilitation brought him near collapse. The ulcer was successfully operated on, on 29 November 1917.”[15]
“There were, moreover, two very serious reasons apart from his naval service and University reading which had handicapped him throughout his life, and kept him of necessity somewhat in the background. These handicaps were both physical and both severe. One was the very obstinate gastric trouble, which developed soon after he went to Osborne, and the other his hesitancy of speech which had been with him all his life. The gastric trouble, after harassing all his boyhood years, keeping him out of many months of sport and pleasure, and affecting all his studies, was cured after two very grave operations---one for appendicitis and the other for duodenal ulcer, as the illness was finally and correctly diagnosed. Those operations, as has been mentioned, prevented him from carrying on continuous war service in Collingwood, but as the King himself admits, it may have been good for him in another way. With a constitution weakened by his successive bouts of pain and his months of suffering, it is doubtful whether the rigors of winter service afloat, under war conditions and with food of war-time quality and quantity, would not have found him incapable of resisting the inroads of the disease resulting either in death or permanent invalidism. Even as it was the operations, their causes and their effects, left him delicate for a considerable period, and he had to be very careful of himself at all times for a quite a long period after the second operation had “short-circuited” the ulcer.
His other handicap remained for a few years longer. The defect was even more obstinate than the gastric trouble had been. The shyness and diffidence which marked him as a boy were undoubtedly aggravated by the fear that he might not be able to begin a sentence, or having begun it, might not be able to finish it.”[16]
[15] H. C. G. Matthew, George VI (1895–1952), https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/33370
and https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-33370
[16] Darbyshire, Taylor. King George VI - An Intimate and Authoritative Life of the King by One Who Has Had Special Facilities. Read Books, Ltd. (2013).
William Branham further misled people by claiming that he was with his campaign manager, Ern Baxter, when King George visited Vancouver.
King George VI only went to Vancouver, British Columbia once in his lifetime and that was on May 29, 1939 during his Royal Tour of Canada with Queen Elizabeth.[17]
William Branham could not have been with Ern Baxter when King George visited Vancouver because he did not even know Ern Baxter in 1939 and it wasn't until 1947 when Branham's healing ministry was underway when Ern Baxter first met him.
Ern Baxter himself stated that he did not meet William Branham until 1947, as follows,
“The whole ministry was so new and so powerful that, when I met him in 1947, his mail was enormous.”[18]
After meeting him in 1947, Baxter traveled extensively as a campaign manager for William Branham's healing ministry until 1953 or 1954 when he left the Branham team due, in part, to his disagreement with Branham's teachings. As Baxter stated,
“I was with Branham from 1947 until I had to leave him, in about 1953 or 1954.”[19]
In two sermons he preached in 1952, William Branham admitted that he only knew and been associated with Ern Baxter for about five years, as follows,
“That’s the first time in, since he’s been managing the meetings, that I’ve ever set on the platform and heard him speak; the first time in years that I’ve knowed Mr. Baxter, about five years.” “Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever” (52-1027).
“I’ve been associated with Brother Baxter for some many years now. This is about five years that we’ve been closely associated together. We’ve learned to love one another with undying Christian love, the fellowship and love that we have one for the other.” “Led By The Holy Spirit” (52-0727).
The first claim that William Branham made on October 2, 1956 about Ern Baxter seeing King George in Vancouver might be the only honest and true one because he did not claim he was in Vancouver with Baxter,
“Not long ago, a brother that used to be with me and managed my campaigns, Brother Baxter, he's preached right here in Chicago to you many times. He was speaking at when the late King George and the Queen came by Vancouver... That was before he was healed. And he had ulcers in his stomach and he had a multiple sclero--sclerosis and he just could hardly set up. But yet with his royal blood, he set like nothing was wrong with him as he passed down through the streets. And Mr. Baxter said he just stood there and wept, because there passed by his king and queen. I thought, 'Oh, if that would make a Canadian feel that way about an earthly king and queen, what will it be when Jesus comes?' My.” “Elisha The Prophet” (56-1002E).
On January 26, 1957, William Branham began falsely claiming that he was in Vancouver with Ern Baxter when King George passed through the city in 1939, as follows,
“A little girl taught us a lesson some time ago, when the famous King George, of who I had the privilege of praying for, when the Lord healed him of multiple sclerosis… And he was visiting a Canadian city, and all the schools turned out. And they taken the Canadian flag and went to the street corners. And when the king passed by… I shall never forget the expression on my manager’s face, Mr. Ern Baxter, a Canadian. And when the king passed by, suffering at the time with stomach trouble and multiple sclerosis, and he stood up or set up by the side of his beautiful queen in a blue garment… Then I seen this two hundred and forty pound man, that when the carriage turned the corner, the man threw his hands to his face and wept. And he said, 'Think, the king is passing by.” And then…?… “Oh, what will it be someday when the King of kings passes by.'” “When Divine Love Is Projected, Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place” (57-0126E).
William Branham's claims of King George being in a carriage are also controverted by the fact that he was driven through Vancouver in a car, as seen in the picture below.[20]

On March 8, 1957, William Branham continued to falsely claim that he was in Vancouver with Ern Baxter when King George came through the country,
“Mr. Baxter, my manager (used to be… Now he’s pastoring a great church in British Columbia.), we was up there during the time when King George came through the country. And the late King George, a gallant man, a fine man, and when they were standing down by the corner… King George had stomach trouble, and he had multiple sclerosis. That’s the one that sent for me to pray for him. And the Lord healed him of it.” “The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep” (57-0308).
On May 21, 1958, William Branham also claimed falsely that he was with Ern Baxter when King George visited Vancouver,
“Up in our neighboring nation, Canada, some time ago, my good friend, Brother Baxter from Vancouver, we were up there at the visit of King George. That was before he had been healed with the multiple sclerosis and his ulcerated stomach. And I certainly had a respect for the man. And when he came down through the street that day, yet suffering, they said, intense pain from both his sclerosis and his ulcer, he set straight, bowing to his subjects as he passed along the street. And I noticed my friend, when the king passed by, he just chuckled out and wept. He said, 'Brother Branham, think, there is the king, and look at the queen in her beautiful gown.' And I thought, 'If that would make a Canadian feel that good' in which I respect, and think that’s fine, 'and if he could feel that way, as a Canadian, when the King George and the queen passed by, what will it be when we see Jesus, our King, go by?'”
The schools all turned out, and the teachers gave the little children some little British flags to wave at the king as he passed by.” “Behold, I Stand At The Door And Knock” (58-0521).
On August 6, 1960, William Branham also falsely claimed that he was with Ern Baxter when King George visited Vanouver, as follows,
“Not long ago, up in Canada, when the late King George had visit Vancouver. I was with Brother Baxter then, and Brother Baxter was telling me of the king passing down the street, and oh, if you ever got to see him, he was a gallant man. That day he was suffering so bad, it’s was before his healing of that multiple sclerosis, and he had stomach trouble also. And in the carriage, they said, he was suffering terrible, but you would never know it. Set up straight, speaking to his subjects as he passed by.
Mr. Baxter stood back there in a place and wept as hard as he could weep. And he said, 'Brother Branham, the reason I was weeping,' he said, 'our king was passing by.' And I thought, 'That might be so, and the queen setting in her beautiful blue dress, how that those people that was their subjects wept, because that they were passing by.' I thought, 'If it would make a Canadian weep for joy, when the king rode by, what will it be when Jesus comes by, the King of heavens and earth.'” “Hear Ye Him” (60-0806).
[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_royal_tour_of_Canada
[18] New Wine Interviews Ern Baxter – New Wine Magazine – December 1978, http://ern-baxter.blogspot.com/2006/12/happy-christmas-to-one-and-all-i-do.html.
See also, New Wine Magazine, Decemeber 1978 issue: https://csmpublishing.org/wp-content/plugins/pdf-viewer-for-wordpress/web/viewer.php?file=https://csmpublishing.org/wp-content/NewWineArchives/Full_Issues/1978/NewWineMagazine_Issue_12-1978.pdf
[19] Ibid.
[20] Source: https://searcharchives.vancouver.ca/king-george-vi-and-queen-elizabeth-in-car-4
Did William Branham ever meet and pray for King George, as he claimed?
William Branham claimed that he met and prayed for the King to be healed of his “multiple sclerosis” in Buckingham Palace, but did not ever provide any details or specifics of an actual meeting with the King.[21]
Had such a meeting taken place, he certainly would have been able to provide specific details about the context or backdrop of the meeting and how it unfolded.
However, in virtually all of his claims on the page below, he merely asserted that he prayed for the King without ever indicating who was present or what specifically took place at the time.
There was only one trip that he took to England in which he could have met and prayed for King George.
That was his missionary trip to Europe in April of 1950 with the four other men pictured here. They are Jack Moore (top left), Gordon Lindsay (top right), Ern Baxter (bottom left) and his brother Howard Branham (bottom right).
On pages 171-179 of William Branham's “Life Story” book here, Gordon Lindsay documented the 1950 trip to Europe.
He also documented the trip throughout the July 1950, “Special Branham Overseas Edition” of “The Voice of Healing” here.

In both publications, Gordon Lindsay summarizes and underscores the most significant miracles and events of the missionary trip.
In neither of them, is there any mention of William Branham meeting with and praying for King George during the five days that they were in London, England.
In fact, the only references in them that Gordon Lindsay made about their time in London were related to the “sightseeing” that they did there.
Had a meeting with William Branham and King George taken place in Buckingham Palace that resulted in the King being instantly healed of “multiple sclerosis”, it unquestionably would have been the “climax” or “high point” of their time in London.
However, Gordon Lindsay specifically made it known that their “visit to Wesley's chapel” was “the climax” of their stay in the city, as follows,
“Several days were spent in visiting historic buildings and shrines of the world's largest city. The climax of the party's stay in that great metropolis was the visit to Wesley's chapel. While there we also saw the Wesley residence, entering last of all the room in which John Wesley prayed every morning at five A.M. Before leaving, we all knelt down and had prayer. It was a moment not to be forgotten.”
He also identified their “visit to Wesley Chapel and tomb” to be “high points” in the “London visit” in the caption under the photo below,

Click to enlarge.
Not only did Gordon Lindsay not identify and substantiate any meeting with William Branham and King George in the aforesaid publications, but there also is apparently no reference in the Royal Archives to any visit of him with the King.[22]
In addition, none of the other members of Branham's missionary group ever attested or verified that William Branham met with and prayed for King George, as he claimed.
Based on all of the above, it is clear that William Branham's claims of meeting and praying for King George in his palace are completely unfounded. For that reason alone, they cannot rightly be accepted as genuine and true.
[21] William Branham claimed that he prayed for King George in Buckingham Palace, as follows,
“I’ve been in Hollywood, and I prayed for King George in the palace, and Gustaf up in Sweden, and different places, and I been lots of places, a privilege of being there, and I seen much, but I never seen a building like that.” “God Hiding Himself In Simplicity” (63-0412E).
“I been into four kings’ palaces, praying for them. King George of England, and Gustaf, and so forth. I’ve been in some of the best homes there is in the nation, but I never was any more welcome than I was in that little shanty that morning, when she made me welcome.”
“A Greater Witness Than John” (55-0609).
[22] “. . . the Royal Archives failed to find any reference to Branham’s visit . . .”
Source: http://www.dealpentecostal.co.uk/Miracles%20through%20Church%20History.pdf
Sermon Quotations of William Branham About King George
“Not long ago at Fort Wayne meeting…?… We had a great service there. Thousands were attending. There a man with multiple sclerosis, lay ten years bound on the bed, his spine damaged. They moved…?… the meeting. The last night, I just passing by in…?… trying to get him in to where I was. He laid on the platform. People walked over him. Finally they got him there. I said… tell the story and I looked over, I said, 'Sir, can you see it?' My, the deep calling for the deep… I moved down; I said, 'You believe me?' Said, 'Sir, lay your hands upon me; that’s all I desire.' I laid my hands upon him. There…?… this man…?… Immediately life came into his body, his crutches…?… Down through the building he went…?… It even caused the king of England to send for me to come pray for him. I got the letters of it now. King George of England, where we just came from… There…?… went and told him what had taken place, and what it done. 'Brother Branham he sent and he prayed a prayer…'” “Expectations” (50-0810).
“In a meeting Mrs. Bosworth, his wife, was selling books at a bookstand at the entrance to the tabernacle, when there was a—a young lady, named…?… Bryan, cross-eyed. And she said, 'I’ve tried to get a prayer card…' And all she had done to try to get in a line, but it was… It was no use. She was failing. I believe that was the last night, the night the man was healed of multiple sclerosis, that sent the word to King George of England, which I have his statement. God had healed him. And the man had been bed patient ten years with multiple sclerosis. He’s perfectly well tonight, glorifying God. The little girl was crying, a young lady. And Mrs. Bosworth said, 'Honey, you—you don’t understand.' That’s right. Some words to that. Said, 'Now, you—you don’t need a prayer card. If you’ll just walk right out here and stand in the aisle,' and said, 'you just believe it with all your heart that God is going to make you whole, and,' said, 'God will speak to Brother Branham up on the platform.'” “To Whom Is The Arm Of The Lord Revealed?” (50-0824).
“This lady here, arthritis is what got you, wasn’t it, sister? You setting in your wheelchair, arthritis case. I thought the other one over there was arthritis, but it’s not. And then I don’t know. Just a moment. Now, God can reveal what’s wrong with you now, not for your healing, but I could tell the action of this, it’s arthritis here, from the way it pulled away from that lady. No, yours is not arthritis. If I’m not mistaken, yours is multiple sclerosis. Is that right? If it is, raise your hand. That’s right, lady. All right. I can see the way it’s reacting back, lady. Now, have faith. King George of England was healed a few weeks ago of multiple sclerosis. Just have some… Brother dear, I might even tell you what’s wrong, but Christ is your Healer. Have you confessed everything, everything that you know and live right before Him? Now, just keep praying, because He’s dealing with you now. That’s right. Now, just be real reverent.” “Take The Rod And Gather The People” (50-0827E).
“And when I stood there and said kings and monarchs of the country will be calling for me to pray for them, was that… I believed it because He told me so. And the greatest king in the world sent me cablegrams to go pray for him, with King George of England, and different ones like that. And great men all over the country…” “My Commission” (51-0505).
“Jesus Christ the same yest-… And that man is eighty-eight years old. Oh, isn’t He wonderful, the Lord Jesus? We just love Him with all of our heart. A man of eighty-eight glorifying God, one of America’s great outstanding men.
When King George of England… God bless you, Congressman. [The Congressman says, 'Leaning on the Everlasting Arm.'—Ed.] Amen. Leaning on the Everlasting Arm. When Congr-… when Geor-… King George of England, when a man that… over at Saint or at Fort Wayne, Indiana, setting in a wheelchair, paralyzed from his waist down, a bed patient, ten years, multiple sclerosis. And I was preaching, some of his people tried to lift him up. He wanted to touch my trouser legs. Now, and they couldn’t even get him to me. The… They formed a line of ushers and they… people was jumping over the ushers, like that, getting up. Wonderful, marvelous, that was the home of Paul Rader, B. E. Rediger, and them old daddies back yonder that preached Divine healing. And while I was standing there, I said, “Just set him down a minute.” I said, “Look this way, sir.” And he looked up that way, I said, 'You been a bed patient ten years. You own a certain business that does this here.' Said, 'That’s right, Brother Branham.' Said, 'How did you know that?' I said, 'I see a vision. You do the most of your work from a bed. They have a special bed they raise you up in, you have your typewriter.' Said, 'That’s right. Exactly right.' I said, 'You prayed much,' and told him what had happened. He said, 'That’s right.' I turned around like this. I looked going along through there and there went a man right over the top of the people’s head going walking, like that, walking out. I said, 'Sir, God has heard your prayer. He’s healed you in the Name of the Lord Jesus, stand on your feet.' [Brother Branham snaps his fingers—Ed.] Right up he went, down through the audience. The people swaying and dropping everywhere. About that time, an old man laying there with his hands shaking like that, paralyzed, no he had arthritis, his hands had done got knots on them. I knowed there was some connection ’cause this man run back and started to hugging him. I looked down, I seen a vision. I said, 'You lay… you live on a farm, don’t you, sir?' He said, 'I do.' I said, 'You been paralyzed from that condition there, crippled up for many years.' He said, 'That’s right, sir.' He said, 'Oh, what can I do?' I said, 'I don’t know, sir, the vision has stopped.' I looked back and started to speak again, this man just taken the house and everybody screaming and going on. I looked back again. I seen that man sitting on a tractor, driving along, waving his hand. I said, 'Jesus Christ has healed you, my brother, stand on your feet.' [Brother Branham snaps his fingers—Ed.] Up he got, there he went.
I’ve got a letter, a photostatic copy of it at home, where that that man, the one with the multiple sclerosis, about…?… [Blank spot on tape—Ed.]… his friend. And he jumped off of the tractor, run through the field. They grabbed one another up in their arms and lifted each other up and down, praising God. He was a friend to the king’s private secretary, King George of England. Coming into the Jeffersonville office there, came a cablegram from King George of England, 'Brother Branham, I understand through my secretary that one of his friends was healed of multiple sclerosis. I desire of you to come pray for me, that our Lord Jesus will heal me.' And I know the Angel of God which said, 'You’ll pray for kings and monarchs and great men.' Oh, I asked Him if I could go. Now, King George of England is healed of multiple sclerosis. He’s well. He’s a well man. His ulcers is gone. Oh, my. Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I’m found, I was blind, but now I see.” “At Thy Word” (51-0506E).
“He’s wrote every king, I believe, every governor, of the congress, the president, Churchill, and all of them, sent them his testimony about it. And King George of England is going to—I guess send him back his testimony. I have a photostatic copy of King George’s thanks for my prayer and things when he was healed of multiple sclerosis. And other great men across the nation in fulfillment…Now, I’ve tried to be honest; I’ve tried to be as true as I know how.”
“Faith Is The Substance” (51-0508).
“It was indeed a surprise to see the congressman here tonight. I shall never forget his healing. I feel that that… He was the one that the Angel of the Lord was referring to when He met me and said, 'You’ll pray for great men, statesmen, kings of the earth.' How could I ever believe that I would be praying for people like that. My first shock was when King George of England sent me a cablegram, come pray for him to be healed of his multiple sclerosis, which God did heal him. I was… Then the night when I never knew Congressman Upshaw, when he was running… He run for president, I think in about 1919. And I think he was something in the state of Georgia where he come from, senator or something in there. He’s been a internationally known man, served in the congress and retired in congress.” “Who Hath Believed Our Report?” (51-0719).
“And then King George of England, you all know of him cablegraming me twice to come pray for him. When a man over here at Fort Wayne was healed with multiple sclerosis, was a friend to his private secretary—been a bed patient ten years. I couldn’t go at that time, but I know I’d be in England soon, so I just had prayer for the King. In the day that we had landed, Brother Baxter and I, the others of the—to the campaign that furnished us to go there by American money. And we landed in E—England, I’ll never forget, I said to Brother Baxter, 'Brother Baxter,' just now maybe I will have a little bit of rest before going into this great strain.” ’Cause, we knowed there’d be multiplied thousands waiting in Finland.
So tomorrow night, if the Lord willing, I will tell you what happened in Finland. But now our time is getting by.
And as I started walking, I heard someone page me at the international airport, just out of London, about twenty miles. Brother Baxter said, “Let me take it, Brother Branham.” He went ahead.
There was ministers there, paging me. They said, 'Come out here. That Miss Florence Nightingale from Africa, just come in a plane, ahead of you. She's dying, and wants you to come to her.' Oh, how could I get to her, there, in all that mass?
I told him, I said, “You take her on to your home. I want to go down there to Buckingham Palace. And then you call me, and I will be at the Piccadilly Hotel.” Brother Baxter and I fixed it up with him. We went on to the hotel.
And on the second day, after we'd went to the palace, and up to John Wesley's place, and so forth, we came back down the Westminster Abbey. Then we went into the hotel. And this minister—English minister, called, with his little cab. And we went down to his house, and it's kind a foggy that morning. We went up ... had a lovely place, and his big church. We went upstairs. And there were many of them to welcome us.” “The Church Of The Living God” (51-0727).
“And I was called to King George of England, to pray for him with those multiple sclerosis. I understand by the radio today, that he’s got some kind of a lung trouble now.” “The Principles Of Divine Healing” (51-0923).
“So they took me out. There was the place where this man with multiple sclerosis was healed, they sent the word that King George of England for me to, that King George of England sent word back for me to have prayer for him for his multiple sclerosis, which God healed him. The man had been a bed patient for ten years, paralyzed from his waist down. He was setting there, and couldn’t even get in the line twisting. And some businessman that night, the last night of the meeting… Brother Bosworth setting here is a witness of this, picked him up. How many reads 'We The People?' You see the article of it in 'We The People,' that noted book that goes around the world. My meetings was represented in there from a blind girl and so forth, in that Fort Wayne meeting that was… How many take the 'Pentecostal Evangel'? It was in that too, and all around. You seen the article no doubt at all; it was represented in the great famous book of 'We The People,' this year.
And then when we was going to the platform, well, this man, some businessmen picked him up; he hadn’t walked for ten years, he’d been in bed with multiple sclerosis. Tried to lay him there; people was walking over him. We just had what we call a fast line. And the fellow, they pulled him off the platform; and he was about dead. And he was setting in his wheelchair again; he looked up like that. And I turned; I felt the faith pulling, looked down and there he was setting there. He said, 'Oh, Brother Branham,' he said, 'if I could only touch your trouser leg I’d have got well.' Trying to touch my trouser leg to get well. I said, 'God bless you, brother.' I looked again; I seen a vision of him going walking away. I knew it had to happen then. I said, 'Brother, you’ve been a bed patient for ten years.' 'That’s right, sir.' I said, 'But Jesus Christ makes you whole.' Up he got from that wheelchair, like that, and away he went.
And there was an old man laying there, said, 'If I could only touch your clothes, my brother, I’ll get well.' He was paralyzed, had arthritis. And I passed down to him; he put his old crippled hand over on me, said, 'Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord, that’s what I wanted to do.' See, his anticipation. What? According to your faith, be it unto you. I got a letter from them about six months later, the man that had multiple sclerosis was driving down the road, and the man that had been paralyzed, or had his arthritis, was out in the field plowing on a tractor. And one seen the other, and they were buddies, set all through the meeting talking one to another. This was the last night. And there the man that would have been crippled for years with arthritis, drawed up a bed patient, seen the man coming down the road that had been a multiple sclerosis patient; and the man jumped out of the car and run through the field. And the man, the other man jumped off the tractor, and they run grabbed one another, and begin to hug each other screaming and crying out there in the field, 'Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.' Yes, in there.” “Expectation” (51-0930E).
“Then I stood there and I said, 'I do not claim to be a healer. When I was born it was told me that an Angel of God come near me. Here a few, two or three years ago over yonder, standing in a place, He commissioned me to go pray for the sick people, and so forth, which I’m to do, to pray.' And I said, 'I’ve got a letter right here now, and a cablegram from King George of England who is suffered multiple sclerosis, who was that man healed here in Fort Wayne, which was a friend to his private secretary. And he sent two cablegrams already for me to come pray for him, over there.' And I said, 'King George of England, the highest king, the biggest, greatest king on earth today.' And I said, 'God told me, that Angel that sent from Him, said, ‘I’d be praying for kings and great men and so forth, like doctors and so forth,’ that has been healed right now in the meeting.' And I said, 'I claim that I do not know nothing about their healing, only as I see, God shows me by His Spirit, and if I tell the truth, God will testify of the truth. If I am a liar, God will have nothing to do with me.'” “Early Spiritual Experiences” (52-0713A).
And I went over to England; I was going there. The king had sent me a cablegram, to come for his multiple sclerosis, after Mr. Leymond in Fort Wayne had been healed. I told him, "I only could pray and do what the Lord would say do."
Mr. Leymond was setting in the meeting, bed patient for ten years. I looked out there and seen a vision of him, walking. I said, I said, "Sir, the Lord Jesus has made you whole. Stand up!" And a man had been a bed patient for ten years walked down through the building. He was a friend of King George's private secretary. I got his seal, his letter, and everything. Second day he played eighteen holes of golf, after he couldn't stand up the next day five minutes at a time. Amazing grace how sweet the sound! “Expectations” (53-0507).
“If we could call the lame, halt, blind… It was through Mrs. Morgan. She went with me to Fort Wayne. Was anybody at the Fort Wayne meeting? Mr… A man was up there, that was prayed for and was something another about… caused me to go over… King George of England called to be prayed for with multiple sclerosis. And then… Here’s the man sitting here, with the letter in his hand from King George of England, who called me come from pray him with multiple sclerosis. And the king was healed: King George of England. All right.” “I Perceive That Thou Art A Prophet” (53-0614E).
“Now, look friends, think of King George of England, when he was healed with multiple sclerosis, when we had prayer for him. Think of Florence Nightingale (her grandmother, the founder of the Red Cross), was about sixty pounds of weight, laid dying yonder with a cancer on the duodenal of the stomach, laying there dying. A little dove flew into the bush there and the Spirit of God come and said, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, she shall live.' And she weighs a hundred and fifty-five pounds in perfect health.” “Testimony” (53-0902).
“Two years later I was in Finland, I’d just come from… Went over… King George had sent me two cablegrams. I have them at my home, with his seal and so forth, letters, to pray for him. For this Mr. Lehman had been healed of multiple sclerosis out of Fort Wayne.” “Do You Now Believe?” (53-1106).
“Not long after that King George of England when a man by the name of, I forget, at Fort Wayne… You remember the meeting in Fort Wayne Gospel Tabernacle. The Lord had… It was a businessman of the city. He had multiple sclerosis and had been a bed patient ten years. And a vision come over the man, and he was made perfectly whole. Walked… Lehman was his name. Walked up…
And he was a friend to the king’s private secretary, and through there King George of England sent word to me. I have his statements and have his letters of his fields and every… To come pray for him of multiple sclerosis, and so I couldn’t go up that time. So I just wired back and told the king that I would pray for him here, that God would hear here just the same as he would over there. And so, then another telegram come through and wanted me to come on over immediately. Later when I went to England, over there, to see him, and the Lord healed him. He was—couldn’t even stand up over five minutes at a time, and he… I believe the second day he played eighteen holes of golf, and never was bothered with it no more until the very day he died. And I was in Africa when he died. They found a little tumor here on his lung. They started to cut it open and air got to it some way, I don’t know, and caused a blood clot to go to his brain and killed him instantly. So very fine man…” “Testimony” (53-1129E).
“All right, and then the Wesleyan, they had a great revival, Divine healing, and powers of God. Recently, I stood when I went over there, in England, when I was to—after the healing of King George, when I prayed for him with the multiple sclerosis. And then, up there they taken you up to Wesley’s home, and I knelt in the room and prayed, put on his cloak, went out to his pulpit, and stood there where they—he’d preached so much. And a honorable man, what a great man that he was, and his great revival…” “Jairus And Divine Healing” (54-0216).
“If He will hear my prayer to open the eyes of the blind, to raise the dead up from the grave through visions, to heal men like Congressman Upshaw, King George of England, and Gustaf of Sweden, and many of the others. If Florence Nightingale, her grandmother the founder of the Red Cross, laying there with cancer, eat to a—a little windle, and there she is perfectly normal and well today… If God will hear my prayers for such as that, along with the tens of thousands of others, won’t He hear for your lost soul? Certainly, He will. You’re invited now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to come. While we sing this hymn.” “God Perfecting His Church” (54-1204).
“Just recently the Queen of England visit our lovely nation; the daughter of the late King George, whom it was my privilege, by God’s grace, to pray for, when he was healed with multiple sclerosis. And she being here in the United States, if she would’ve come to any of our doors and knocked at the door, we’d have been highly honored to have the Queen of England knock at our door. Though we are not her subjects. But she’s so important. That’s why we’d feel honored at her knocking at our door. She’s an important woman. She’s the greatest queen on the earth, nationally speaking. And we’d have had honor for her to come.” “The Door To The Heart” (54-1204).
“And about a week later the man that was healed out of the wheelchair was driving down the road in his car, and he looked over in the field and there was a man plowing with a tractor, and they recognized each other. The man that was there was the one on the stretcher. So they jumped out of the car and off of the tractor and run over and grabbed one another, just jumping up and down, praising the Lord. And it was through this healing of this man out of the wheelchair, that I was called to pray for King George of England, which he was a—a friend to his private secretary that sent for, pray for him. And the king was healed with multiple sclerosis. And he could only, I believe stand up so long at a time, or something. I don’t remember. I’ve got it in writing at home with his seal on it.” “Law” (55-0115).
“And when we knelt down there that morning, in that little, old, humble home… I been into four kings’ palaces, praying for them. King George of England, and Gustaf, and so forth. I’ve been in some of the best homes there is in the nation, but I never was any more welcome than I was in that little shanty that morning, when she made me welcome.” “A Greater Witness Than John” (55-0609).
“You’re acquainted, probably with William Cowper. I stood at his grave in London, England, when I was there, praying for King George. And I… Out at his grave, I thought of Mr. Cowper. He wrote that famous song: 'There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood,' drawn from Emmanuel’s veins, when sinners plunged beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stains. You’ve sang it many times.” “The Deep Calling To The Deep” (56-0415).
“You know, by the grace of God, I prayed for several kings: King George of England, Gustaf, and many different high monarchs and potentates. Each one was to be received a different way. One place we taken the cuffs out of my trousers. Of course, you all know, never turn your back to a king, back away from him. There are different ways that you have to approach different dignitaries, and so forth.” “Earnestly Contending For The Faith That Was Once Delivered Unto The Saints” (56-0419).
“Fort Wayne, Indiana, when a man was healed, and he was sent over to the king’s private secretary, when he was healed with multiple sclerosis, and then, when he was the secretary, sent for me come to pray for this King George when he had multiple sclerosis… And in that meeting, I walked back behind, when setting there I heard that, 'Only Believe,' and knowing right in that same room Paul Rader read—wrote that song there in the Rediger Tabernacle…”
“God's Covenant With Abraham” (56-0428).
“How many ever heard of this William Cowper that wrote that famous song, 'There Is a Fountain filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins, where sinners plunge beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stains.' I stood by his grave not long ago in London, England. Was there to pray for King George. Bowed my head and cried. He was considered a neurotic, crazy.” “Life Is The Healer” (56-0612).
“How happy I was, to Margie Morgan there, dying with a cancer, cut to pieces. The doctors…She’s been dead ten years, over here on the cancer clinic in Louisville. Just as perfectly normal, and healthy as she can be. See. And, oh, of the many others around.
When King George of England, when he had multiple sclerosis, and I…He sent for me come over there and pray for him. How happy I was when Jesus said, 'Yes,' to King George of England.
And how happy I was of Gustaf; went over there to pray for him, of his rheumatism.
How many times around the world, from the very lowest to the very highest. Jesus don’t care what your state is, it’s your heart before Him. He heals the sick and the afflicted. Now, we pray for the sick and we believe that God heals.” “The Handwriting On The Wall” (56-0902).
“Not long ago, a brother that used to be with me and managed my campaigns, Brother Baxter, he's preached right here in Chicago to you many times. He was speaking at when the late King George and the Queen came by Vancouver... That was before he was healed. And he had ulcers in his stomach and he had a multiple sclero--sclerosis and he just could hardly set up. But yet with his royal blood, he set like nothing was wrong with him as he passed down through the streets. And Mr. Baxter said he just stood there and wept, because there passed by his king and queen. I thought, 'Oh, if that would make a Canadian feel that way about an earthly king and queen, what will it be when Jesus comes?' My.” “Elisha The Prophet” (56-1002E).
“How do you know there is? There is great men, Congressman Upshaw, King George of England, and many great men who laid sick and afflicted, are healed by the Power of Almighty God. So they can’t say nothing about it now. It’s done. Certainly! He was…”
“A Secondhanded Robe” (56-1125M).
“That’s still in the world today, certainly is. 'Oh,' they say, 'them people, there’s not much…?… them kind of people.' It’s just pure jealousy. When it’s on record, great men, King George of England, Congressman Upshaw in the United States, great men throughout the world miraculously healed by the power of God, thousands of testimonies on record…” “Hear Ye Him” (56-1215).
“But notice Cleopas and his friend, they persuaded Him to come in. I wonder if that’s your attitude towards Christ tonight. Persuade Him. [Blank spot on tape—Ed.] He will come in. That’s what makes Him God to me. I’ve had the privilege of praying for about four kings. King George of England, as you all know, was healed with the multiple sclerosis. Big men act little. It’s little men that want to act big. See? Those who have nothing, try to put on. Big men are little. Jesus come from the high seat of Heaven to take the lowest spot on earth. And God exalted Him above every Angel, Archangel, above every throne.” “The Infallible Proof Of The Resurrection” (57-0114).
“A little girl taught us a lesson some time ago, when the famous King George, of who I had the privilege of praying for, when the Lord healed him of multiple sclerosis… And he was visiting a Canadian city, and all the schools turned out. And they taken the Canadian flag and went to the street corners. And when the king passed by… I shall never forget the expression on my manager’s face, Mr. Ern Baxter, a Canadian. And when the king passed by, suffering at the time with stomach trouble and multiple sclerosis, and he stood up or set up by the side of his beautiful queen in a blue garment… Then I seen this two hundred and forty pound man, that when the carriage turned the corner, the man threw his hands to his face and wept. And he said, 'Think, the king is passing by.' And then…?… 'Oh, what will it be someday when the King of kings passes by.'” “When Divine Love Is Projected, Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place” (57-0126E).
“Mr. Baxter, my manager (used to be… Now he’s pastoring a great church in British Columbia.), we was up there during the time when King George came through the country. And the late King George, a gallant man, a fine man, and when they were standing down by the corner… King George had stomach trouble, and he had multiple sclerosis. That’s the one that sent for me to pray for him. And the Lord healed him of it.” “The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep” (57-0308).
“I’ve been in king’s palaces. I’ve been in the King of England’s palace, King George, the late King George. I was in a palace with Gustaf of Sweden, always welcome. And to the Kruger palace in South Africa, and many other places, and been welcome, but never did I feel any more welcome than I did in that little Negro shack that morning because God was there.” “Expectations And Leadings Of The Spirit” (57-0811E).
“It reminds me of a little girl not long ago in Canada. Some years ago when I was over at Vancouver, the great late King George was a visiting Vancouver. And I was noticing the emotion upon my manager, Mr. Baxter, while he was watching the king and the queen as they rode by. And how she in her beautiful garment, and the king though suffering with multiple sclerosis, and also a stomach trouble, he set correct in his carriage and was speaking and bowing to his subjects, or the people, as he passed by. And Mr. Baxter, he said he stood and wept because the king was passing by. It was the first time he’d ever seen him, and it brought emotion to him just that moment, in the little view of the king passing by. I thought, “Oh, what will it be when our King of kings passes by…?… Just one glimpse of Him in glory when our journey is completed, these little cold nights in the theaters, and disappointments will just vanish like nothing then.” “And Then Jesus Came” (57-1213).
“And people who are—are spiritually inclined are considered neurotics always. Look at poets, prophets, and what-more. Look at Stephen Foster, who gave America’s best folk songs. What was he? A neurotic. Every time he’d hit inspiration, when he’d drop down, he didn’t know where he was at; he’d get on a drunk, finally called a servant and took a razor and committed suicide. Look at William Cowper, who wrote that famous song, “There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel’s veins, when sinners plunged beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stains… When I was over to pray for the late King George, standing there in the graveyard by the side of his grave, William Cowper, I wept because I know what the man… After he come out from under that inspiration (You know the story), he tried to commit suicide by drowning in the river. The inspiration left him.” “The Queen Of The South” (58-0125).
“What if King George, when I prayed for him, with those multiple sclerosis, what if he would’ve a went down and ask one of the Anglican ministers, what would’ve taken place? He wouldn’t have believed it. What if Florence Nightingale, with a shadow of a woman—the granddaughter of the great Florence Nightingale, the founder of the Red Cross… There’s her picture in the book. Weighed about sixty-four pounds, dying with cancer… And when I flew to England to make prayer for her, and while I was praying, a little dove come and set on the window and cooed, while we were praying, and then flew away.” “The Expectations” (58-0508).
“Up in our neighboring nation, Canada, some time ago, my good friend, Brother Baxter from Vancouver, we were up there at the visit of King George. That was before he had been healed with the multiple sclerosis and his ulcerated stomach. And I certainly had a respect for the man. And when he came down through the street that day, yet suffering, they said, intense pain from both his sclerosis and his ulcer, he set straight, bowing to his subjects as he passed along the street. And I noticed my friend, when the king passed by, he just chuckled out and wept. He said, “Brother Branham, think, there is the king, and look at the queen in her beautiful gown.” And I thought, 'If that would make a Canadian feel that good' in which I respect, and think that’s fine, 'and if he could feel that way, as a Canadian, when the King George and the queen passed by, what will it be when we see Jesus, our King, go by?' The schools all turned out, and the teachers gave the little children some little British flags to wave at the king as he passed by.” “Behold, I Stand At The Door And Knock” (58-0521).
“Look up here. Look at your newspapers round in the other parts of your country, here. All across… Look at Congressman Upshaw laying there paralyzed for sixty-six years. And a vision come over the meeting, told him he was healed. He rose right up, trusted his feet and went on normally. King George of England with multiple sclerosis, when I went over and prayed for him. Couldn’t even set but just a few minutes at a time. Next day, played twenty-eight holes of golf. Around and around the world. This is my fifth time around. Believe. That’s Jesus.” “Jesus Of Nazareth Passeth By” (58-0524).
“And King George had written or sent me a telegram, which I have yet from his staff, for prayer, because he had multiple sclerosis. You remember that? And I prayed for him, and after the prayer, why, he would—he got all right, and was able to go around. And so, I went over there; I thought I’d get to see him there. And so when we went on to Picadilly Hotel, the minister came and got me that next morning, and we went to his parish right behind his church where they had Mrs. Nightingale with two nurses attending her.” “Thirsting For Life” (60-0304).
“It reminds me of a little story once that when the late King George came to Canada to visit, he and his precious wife. The king was suffering at that time with multiple sclerosis—which he had wired later and I had the privilege of praying for him, getting a letter from him. And the day that he was to pass through Vancouver, British Columbia, he was setting up in his chariot as he rode down the street. And all the people turned the schools out, the teachers… And they made ready to visit the king and to have a great time.” “Hear Ye Him” (60-0313).
“Not long ago, up in Canada, when the late King George had visit Vancouver. I was with Brother Baxter then, and Brother Baxter was telling me of the king passing down the street, and oh, if you ever got to see him, he was a gallant man. That day he was suffering so bad, it’s was before his healing of that multiple sclerosis, and he had stomach trouble also. And in the carriage, they said, he was suffering terrible, but you would never know it. Set up straight, speaking to his subjects as he passed by.
Mr. Baxter stood back there in a place and wept as hard as he could weep. And he said, 'Brother Branham, the reason I was weeping,' he said, 'our king was passing by.' And I thought, 'That might be so, and the queen setting in her beautiful blue dress, how that those people that was their subjects wept, because that they were passing by.' I thought, 'If it would make a Canadian weep for joy, when the king rode by, what will it be when Jesus comes by, the King of heavens and earth.'” “Hear Ye Him” (60-0806).
“So when I walked in, they had an old plowpoint hanging on a chain on the gate to pull it back together. Went in a little old two room—what we call shotgun house in the east, little long room. And I been in king’s palaces, went to prayed for King George of England. I was with the Gustafus up in Swi—Sweden. And I been in many king’s palaces, and King Farouk, and—and many other places, and great potentates and monarchs. Some of the greatest the world has today, I’ve had the privilege of going in and talk with them, interview. I’ve been in lovely homes. But I never was more welcome and felt any more at home, than I did in that little Negro hut that morning.” “The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1” ()61-0216).
“And as you all know that when I went there and prayed for King George when he had multiple sclerosis and he was healed instantly; the next day played eighteen holes of golf, and he couldn’t even set up for just a few minutes at a time.” “Why?” (61-0413).
“You precious Methodists, how you used to have the power of God among you. I went and stood…I wore John’s robe when I was in London, England, to pray for King George that time. And they took me up there at Wesley’s Chapel where he preached to fifteen hundred every morning at five o’clock, before the men went to work. Set there in a seat where he converted this rooster fighter, and I—I set in the seat. And stood there, and go up in his pulpit. And prayed in the room where he went to Heaven. I thought, 'Oh, if John could know what that Methodist church has done, he’d turn over in his grave.' When you used to pray for the sick and have great signs! When John Wesley…standing out there, that shrine I stood by it, where there’s a tree. That day, preaching Divine healing, and the—the high church of England, the Anglican church, went and turned…A bunch of the members come down there and turned loose a fox and a bunch of hounds, and scattered John’s congregation. Little old John never weighed over a hundred and ten pound any time in his life, but he turned and he pointed his fingers, and he said, 'You hypocrite! The sun will not set on your head three times till you’ll call for me to pray for you.' And he died that evening, with cramps in his body, calling for John to come pray for him. And he died. See? Oh, if you Methodists would be Methodists like that, you’d be Pentecost. That’s right.” “The End-Time Evangelism” (62-0603).
“I’ve been in kings’ palaces. I prayed for King George of England, you know, when he was healed from multiple sclerosis. I prayed for other kings, potentates, monarchs. I’ve been in some of the finest homes in America, but I never felt any more welcome than I did right there, that little colored haunt that morning.” “The Uncertain Sound” (62-0714).
“Reminds me, being that this Canadian here was speaking a few moments ago, about my fine friends from Canada. Some time ago the King George that I had the privilege of praying for, as you know, that had the multiple sclerosis. The Lord healed him. And he came to Canada when he was suffering yet with this sclerosis. And he was a gallant man. And all the schools turned out when he came down through Vancouver, so that—that they could go out and take their…Give them a little, British flag, and—and—and wave, to honor the King, the crown, as he passed by.” “A Door In A Door” (63-0223).
“Not long ago, I was invited by our precious, gallant soul, Brother Oral Roberts. I was standing in his place there. I believe he said it cost about three million dollars, the building or some. Oh, my! I’ve been in Hollywood, and I prayed for King George in the palace, and Gustaf up in Sweden, and different places, and I been lots of places, a privilege of being there, and I seen much, but I never seen a building like that. And when I went in, there was so many people at the door, the police had to take me around and bring me out the back way, waiting, come out for prayer for the sick. And when I went out the back way, Brother Fisher taken me out, after he had showed me through the building, when I was standing out there and looking up at that great, mammoth building.” “God Hiding Himself In Simplicity” (63-0412E).
“Thinking about how little and insignificant, seeing that many of my Canadian friends sitting here. I remember I was in Canada when the King George…The one I had the privilege of going praying for, when he was healed, with that multiple sclerosis; he was suffering that day, from the sclerosis, and also he had a stomach trouble, an ulcer; as many of you Canadians know, and Americans, also. But seeing him pass down through there, sitting in that carriage, he—he was a king. He conducted himself as a king. His beautiful queen sitting by him, in her blue dress, and as he come down the streets.” “Doors In Door” (65-0206).