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“1933 Baptism on the Ohio River”

​​Among William Branham's most significant claims about his ministry are the ones he made about a supernatural Voice speaking to him from a Light that appeared in the sky when he was baptizing his first converts on the Ohio River in 1933.


He often told stories about the event to persuade people that God had chosen him for the much greater purpose of being “Elijah the prophet”, as is evident below.

William Branham baptizing his first converts in the Ohio River in 1933.

​​The first accounts of the 1933 baptism

never mention a Voice speaking from the Light.


The first story William Branham told about the “1933 baptism” is contained in a small book that he published in the 1940s entitled, “Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.” (A transcribed copy of the book can be read here and here.) ​As is evident in that story, he did not ever state that a Voice spoke to him from a Light, but only that he first heard a still, little voice that told him three times to Look up before a “big bright star” appeared,

“One day at the foot of Spring Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana, after a two week's revival,

I was baptizing 130 people. It was a hot August day and there were about three thousand people present. I was about to baptize the 17th person when all of a sudden I heard that still, little voice again and it said, "Look up." The sky was like brass on that hot August day. We had not had any rain for about three weeks. I heard the voice again, and then again the third time it said, "Look up."

I looked up and there came from the sky a big bright star which I had seen many times before but that I had not told you about. Many times I have told people about it appearing and they would only laugh and say, "Bill, you are only imaging that. Or maybe you were dreaming." But praise God, this time He had showed Himself visible to all, because it came so close to me I could not even speak.

After a few seconds had passed, I screamed and many people looked up and saw the star just over me. Some fainted while others shouted and others ran away. Then the star returned back into the sky, and the place where it had left was about fifteen feet square, and this place kept moving and churning about or as though waves were rolling. There had formed in this place a little white cloud and the star was recieved up in this little cloud.”


In a sermon he preached in 1950, William Branham also stated that a Light appeared during the “1933 baptism”, but he did not ever state that a Voice spoke from the Light,

“And I looked, coming right down out of the heavens, out of a place about as big as this platform, where the blue skies churning like waters... Coming right down out of there came a big thing, like a star, whirling around, going, whew [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.], coming right down visibly before the eyes. Moved right down, looked like a star at a distance. When it got close, It looked like a milling fire of Light, moving right down and set over where I was. Then went right back up into the heavens again. The waters let up.” “God Revealing Himself to His People” (50-0813E).

In 1950, his campaign manager, Gordon Lindsay, provided the following description of the “1933 baptism” and also did not state that a Voice spoke from the Light,

“At the baptismal service which followed the revival, some 130 persons were baptized in water. It was at this time that a heavenly light appeared above him as he was about to baptize the seventeenth person. This was witnessed by the vast congregation that stood looking on, by the banks of the Ohio River.” Gordon Lindsay, “William Branham, A Man Sent From God” (1950), p. 43.

In 1951, William Branham stated in another sermon that a Light appeared during the “1933 baptism”, but did not state that a Voice spoke from It,


“About twelve years ago, I was baptizing my first group after my—one of my revivals at Jeffersonville, Indiana, where I lived at this time—my home is, rather. And standing on the banks of the Ohio River where [Blank spot on tape—Ed.] had gathered out. And while I was baptizing… It was two o’clock in the evening, on June. And the seventeenth candidate, I was baptizing in water at the Ohio River at the foot of Spring Street. And I heard Something speak, and I felt Something take a hold of me. And I looked up. And when I did, coming down from glory came this whirl coming down where I was at.

“Courier Journal Newspaper” packed an article of it, said, “A mystic star appears over a local Baptist pastor while baptizing in the river.” They couldn’t make out. Oh, up to probably ten thousand people saw It as It moved down where I was at, and went back up in the skies. Come right where I was and went back up into the sky. Well I… Many asked me what It meant. And I said, “I do not know.”” “My Commission” (51-0505).

In 1952, Julius Stadsklev, who traveled with the Branham campaign in South Africa during the last three months of 1951, described the “1933 baptism” and also did not state that a Voice spoke from the Light,


“Within six months after his conversion, plans were being made for his first service. He began tent meetings in his own home town of Jeffersonville. It was estimated that as many as three thousand people attended a single service and a large number were converted. This was unusual for even an outstanding minister, and here it was his first campaign.

At the baptismal service which followed the campaign, over 130 people were baptized in water. It was at this time that the heavenly light appeared above him as he was baptizing the seventeenth person. This light was witnessed by the large congregation that stood on the banks of the Ohio River and the newspaper carried an article pertaining to it.” Julius Stadsklev. “William Branham:  A Prophet Visits South Africa” (1952).


William Branham later claimed that a Voice spoke

from the Light and contradicted himself significantly.

In 1952, William Branham began claiming that a Voice spoke from the Light and

contradicted himself significantly in his accounts of what the Voice said, as is evident below,

As John the Baptist was sent to warn the people of the first coming of Christ, so is this Message to warn the people of the second coming.” “Do You Now Believe?” (52-0817E).

As John the Baptist was sent for a forerunner of the first Coming of Jesus Christ, your Message will bring the second Coming of Jesus Christ.” “Questions And Answers” (54-0515).

Your ministry will be as John the Baptist was, was sent forth as a forerunner of the first coming of Christ; your ministry will be the bringing forth of the second coming of Christ.” “The Maniac Of Gadara” (54-0720A).

“A Voice spoke from there, and said, 'As John the Baptist was sent for the forerunner of the first coming of Christ, you’ve got a… have a Message that will bring forth the forerunning of the Second Coming of Christ.'” And it liked to scared me to death.

How The Angel Came To Me and His Commission” (55-0117).

“I remember when about five hundred of us standing there when I was baptizing a hundred and twenty, about this time of year, down here on the banks of the river, when that great morning star come shining around on the river. Hallelujah! A voice speaking from it, said, 'Someday you'll spread the Gospel throughout the world.'” “Enticing Spirits” (55-0724).

“And a Voice spoke from there and said that I would take a message around the world, which would start a revival just like that it did in the days of John the Baptist before the second coming of Christ.” “God Keeps His Word” (57-0115).


“Here comes that big Light hanging right yonder, come moving down over me and said, 'As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you’ll have a Message that’ll forerun the second coming of Christ.'” “What Was The Holy Ghost Given For” (59-1217).


“And I looked up, and as I looked up, here come that Light coming down. People begin fainting, falling, and a Voice came that shook all around the place there, said, 'As John, the Baptist, was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, the Message that is given you will be a forerunning of the second coming of Christ.'” “The Revelation That Was Given To Me” (60-0210).

“And the Voice said, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth to warn the people of the first coming of Christ, your ministry will warn them of the second coming around the world.'” “Watchman, What Of The Night?” (60-0722).

You remember when that Angel come down on the river (which you have the picture of it, and you know about), when it said here about—in 1933, when I was baptizing my first group, that the message would sweep the world? And every nation they’ve got a revival going. They’ve had it everywhere. See? Sure. Pulling the elected out. That’s right. “This Gospel shall be preached.”  “The Signs Of His Coming” (62-0407).


​“And right out of a brassy sky, where there hadn’t been rain for weeks, here He come with a roar, and said, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth, to forerun the first coming of Christ, you’re sent forth with a Message, to forerun the second Coming of Christ.'” “Is This The Sign Of The End Sir” (62-1230).

“And coming down from the skies come a Pillar of Light whirling around, a Voice coming from It, roaring, coming down. Said, 'As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Jesus Christ, so are you sent.' O God! I watched that Light. I had seen It, since a little boy. I tried to tell people. They said, 'You’re out of your mind.'” 

“An Absolute” (63-0127).

“Here come that Pillar of Fire, circling out of the bright blue skies, at two o’clock on June the 15th, coming right down out of the skies, like that. And a Voice roared out, all over the place there, and said, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, you have the Message that’ll now forerun the second Coming of Christ.'” Photographers taking the picture.” “Go Awake Jesus” (63-1130).

“And when I looked, here come that same Pillar of Fire that led Israel through the wilderness. Thousands of eyes looking at It coming right down over where I was standing. And said, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall cover the earth and forerun the Second Coming of Christ.'” That went into the newspaper, on the Associated Press. Doctor Lee Vayle, here this afternoon, picked it up, plumb in Canada and around, 'Local Baptist preacher, while baptizing, a mystic Light appears over him.'” “A Court Trial” (64-0412).

“And when I was standing there, baptizing the seventeenth person, a Light come down from Heaven, shining down above there, like a Star falling from the Heaven. A Voice said, 'As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun His second Coming, into all the world.' This day this Scripture is fulfilled.” “This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled” (65-0219).

Only William Branham heard what

the Voice said that spoke from the Light.


In 1965, Lee Vayle stated that there was a voice that spoke out of the pillar of fire, but only William Branham heard what the voice said,

“It was during June of 1933 that as he was baptizing the converts in the Ohio River that a most amazing and well documented phenomenon occurred. As he was baptizing the seventeenth person...there appeared a blazing whirling star out of heaven with the sound of a rushing wind audible to all, and it came and hovered over him. As many ran in fear, and other knelt in prayer, a voice spoke out of the pillar of fire to him and said, “As John the Baptist was the forerunner of the first coming of Christ, so your message is the forerunner of the second coming of Christ.” Of course he alone heard the words though others heard the sound.” Lee Vayle, “Twentieth Century Prophet: The Messenger to the Laodicean Church Age” (1965).


Although William Branham alone heard the above words that “spoke out of the pillar of fire”, he nevertheless claimed that thousands times thousands of people heard the words, as follows,


One day at the river, I was baptizing five hundred people at the river , when, all of a sudden, this same Light that come in when I was a little boy. And I had told the people I had been seeing It. They said I was dreaming and it was some kind of a mental conception that I had. But before better than five thousand people, at two o’clock in the afternoon, in 1933, out of the skies come this Cloud coming down, speaking these Words, “As John the Baptist was commissioned to forerun the first coming of Christ, your ministry will forerun the second coming of Christ,” where thousands times thousands of people heard it, and newspapers give witness of it. “The Trial” (64-0419).

Contradictory claims about the number of

people who were present at the “1933 baptism.”


William Branham also made many contradictory claims about the number of people who were present at the “1933 baptism” on the Ohio River. The number of people he said were present ranged from “hundreds and hundreds” to “ten thousand people”, as is evident in his statements below.


“When He stood down there and told me right there before at least ten thousand people, that this thing that was coming to pass, said, "Your ministry will be as John the Baptist was, was sent forth as a forerunner of the first coming of Christ; your ministry will be the bringing forth of the second coming of Christ."” “The Maniac Of Gadara” (54-0720A).

“I was baptizing down on the river, my first converts, at the Ohio River, and the seventeenth person I was baptizing, as I started to baptize him, I said, "Father, as I baptize him with water, You baptize him with the Holy Spirit." I started to–to put him under the water. And just then a whirl come from the heavens above, and here come that Light, shining down. Hundreds and hundreds of people on the bank, right at two o’clock in the afternoon, in June.” “How The Angel Came To Me and His Commission” (55-0117).

I was baptizing them down at the end of Spring Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana, in the Ohio River, when… nearly seven or eight thousand people standing on the bank, bear witness, that two o’clock in the evening, June, 1933, how that a Pillar of Fire come down out of heaven, and hung over where I was standing. “The Healing Of Jairus' Daughter”


​“About ten years before that, about–about fifteen, nearly ten or fifteen years before that, when I was just a young Baptist preacher, no more than a boy, baptizing out there in the river, hundreds of people that afternoon, my first revival; and that Light come down from heaven and stood there before thousands of people. They fainted and everything, years ago when I was baptizing. And a Voice spoke from there and said that I would take a message around the world, which would start a revival just like that it did in the days of John the Baptist before the second coming of Christ. I knowed a bit more about it than nothing. I wrote it down and kept it. They kept it. The newspapers had it, and everything. “Mystic Light Appears Over Local Baptist Boy, Pastor, While He’s A Baptizing In The Water,” and all about it.” “God Keeps His Word” (57-0115).


“Then when I was converted, I joined the Baptist church, started preaching the Gospel, right away. The Lord blessed greatly, and I had my first revival, a two weeks revival, five hundred came to the Lord. I taken them down at the river to baptize them. And while they was around ten thousand on the bank, watching… It was real dry, no rain for two or three weeks. People were praying for rain. And when I was baptizing the seventeenth convert, I heard a Voice, said, “Look up.” It scared me. I was just a young boy. The girl that I later married, was taking pictures on the bank. I heard It again; said, “Look up.” And I was afraid to look up. Everyone on the bank was wondering what I was hesitating about. All–many peoples up and down the banks of the river … Newspaper photographers… And then It said again, “Look up.” And I looked up, and as I looked up, here come that Light coming down.” “The Revelation That Was Given To Me” (60-0210).

When that Angel there… And I suppose, besides my wife, there’s people here tonight, from thirty years ago, that was standing close when That come down. Is there anybody in the audience now that was there when the Angel of the Lord, that come down on the river the first time, before people? Raise up your hands. Yes, there they are. See? Now, I see Mrs. Wilson raise up her hand. She was standing there. My wife, there, she was there. And I don’t know who some of the rest of them is, that was standing on the bank here, before many, many people, when I was baptizing at two o’clock in the afternoon. And right out of a brassy sky, where there hadn’t been rain for weeks, here He come with a roar, and said, “As John the Baptist was sent forth, to forerun the first coming of Christ, you’re sent forth with a Message, to forerun the second Coming of Christ.” “Is This The Sign Of The End Sir” (62-1230).


So, I remember, after my first revival. I was down on the river, baptizing. I took the seventeenth person out. My wife, a little girl standing on the bank at that time. (I had never been married to my first wife that’s dead.) And there she was, on the bank. And they was all standing there, hundreds and hundreds of people, yes, four or five thousand, maybe more, up-and-down the riverbank, a real hot afternoon in June. I walked out in the water, and I took a candidate, about the seventeenth person, to baptize him. I had around five hundred, after my revival, to be baptized. And I walked out in the water with this person. I started to raise my hand. I said, “Heavenly Father, as I…” And about that time, Something shook me. I thought, “Where is it?” I looked around. Everybody had their heads bowed, oh, as far as I could see. Way back up on the banks, there was, oh, cars and people piled all over the walls, and things.” “An Absolute” (63-0127).


That day down there, about thirty-three years ago, or thirty-four, standing on the banks of the Ohio River there, at the bridge, and about five thousand people or more gathered on the banks. I was just about twenty years old, twenty-three, twenty-two or twenty-three years old, my first revival. I was baptizing five hundred people, that afternoon. And the deacons had led me out in the water. “Go Awake Jesus” (63-1130).

“I went down then to baptize a bunch of people on the river. When I was baptizing there, where about five thousand people standing on the bank; right in the middle of the day, two o’clock in the afternoon; hot, they hadn’t had a rain for a week or two; and standing on the bank. “A Trial” (64-0405).


I remember, on the river down there, when I was a young Baptist preacher, and was baptizing there. About ten thousand people standing on the bank, when one afternoon… My first great revival, somewhat around a thousand converts, and I was baptizing them out there in the water. The seventeenth person, I was leading out into the water. And I heard a noise, and I looked around. It was hot. It was on June, 1933, at the foot of Spring Street at Jeffersonville, Indiana. I was leading them out there. And the banks, all up-and-down, was just crowded with people. “A Court Trial” (64-0412).


One day at the river , I was baptizing five hundred people at the river , when, all of a sudden, this same Light that come in when I was a little boy. And I had told the people I had been seeing It. They said I was dreaming and it was some kind of a mental conception that I had. But before better than five thousand people, at two o’clock in the afternoon, in 1933, out of the skies come this Cloud coming down, speaking these Words, “As John the Baptist was commissioned to forerun the first coming of Christ, your ministry will forerun the second coming of Christ,” where thousands times thousands of people heard it, and newspapers give witness of it. “The Trial” (64-0419).


And I had a baptismal service down on the river , on 1933, on the middle of June, about sixteenth or eighteenth of June. And standing out there, it had been so hot, for weeks. Hadn’t had no rain for two or three weeks, and the country was burning up, nearly. And there was, I guess, around seven or eight thousand people on the bank. And I walked out in the water, with my seventeenth candidate, to baptize. And when I baptized, started to baptize, I said, “As I baptize thee with water, may the Lord Jesus…” When I said that, Something struck me and said, “Look up.” And as I turned to look, after the third time It said it, a place about fifteen-feet-square was churning up-and-down in them brassy skies. And down from there came that same Pillar of Light that come in when I was a little baby, that spoke to me in the burning bush, or the bush back there that day, and come into that bush, and come hung over where thousands of people.” “A Trial” (64-0427).​

William Branham's contradictory claims about the number

of “first converts” he had and baptized in the Ohio River.

As is evident below, William Branham also provided contradictory claims about the number of “first converts” he had and baptized in the Ohio River after the healing revival in June 1933. In those claims he stated that he baptized anywhere from “one-hundred thirty” to “around a thousand converts”,

William Branham baptism on the Ohio River in 1933

I was baptizing down on the river, my first converts, at the Ohio River, and the seventeenth person I was baptizing, as I started to baptize him, I said, “Father, as I baptize him with water, You baptize him with the Holy Spirit.” “How The Anger Came To Me and His Commission” (55-0117).

“One day at the foot of Spring Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana, after a two week's revival,

I was baptizing 130 people. (Source:  William Branham's booklet, “Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever”, which can be read here.)

“At the baptismal service which followed the revival, some 130 persons were baptized in water.” Gordon Lindsay, “William Branham, A Man Sent From God” (1950), p. 43.

I'd baptized about two or three hundred that afternoon. And when they taken me out, pulled me out of the water, the deacons and so forth went up, they asked me, said, 'What did that light mean?'” How The Angel Came To Me and His Commission” (55-0117).

Had my revival, baptized five hundred, my converts after a two-weeks’ meeting, at the foot of Spring Street; and right there all the local papers packed the article of it: Mystic Light Hangs Over Minister While Baptizing. And It came, just like a Pillar of Fire. And It hung down there and they…” “Why I'm Praying For The Sick” (54-0314).

“Years ago, as a little boy, when I was baptizing down on the river that day, just my first message in the Missionary Baptist church… I was baptizing five hundred.” “Perseverant” (62-0623).


“​I remember, on the river down there, when I was a young Baptist preacher, and was baptizing there. About ten thousand people standing on the bank, when one afternoon… My first great revival, somewhat around a thousand converts, and I was baptizing them out there in the water. The seventeenth person, I was leading out into the water. And I heard a noise, and I looked around. It was hot. It was on June, 1933, at the foot of Spring Street at Jeffersonville, Indiana. I was leading them out there. And the banks, all up-and-down, was just crowded with people.” “A Court Trial” (64-0412).

“Then, consider now, I ask you at this hour, you people here of Jeffersonville. In 1933, the supernatural Light that fell down yonder on the river , that day when I was baptizing five hundred in the Name of Jesus Christ, as about a twenty-year-old boy. What did It say, Jeffersonville? What was It at the foot of Spring Street there, when the Courier Journal, I believe it was the Louisville Herald, packed the article of It?” “This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled” (65-0219).


Notwithstanding, he apparently did not baptize “one-hundred thirty”, “five hundred” or “around one thousand” first converts, as he claimed, because the Jeffersonville Evening News stated that the Branham campaign reported 14 converts. (Staff writers (June 2, 1933). "Fourteen Converted". Jeffersonville Evening News. Jeffersonville, Indiana. p. 1.)

William Branham claimed he baptized around 1,000 first converts in the Ohio River in June of 1933, but his campaign reported that there were 14 converts.


William Branham's claims that the Light was, in fact, the

Pillar of Fire are contradicted by his own opinions and the Bible.


William Branham specifically claimed that the Light that appeared over the Ohio River was, “the same Pillar of Fire that led Israel through the wilderness”, as follows,


“And when I looked, here come that same Pillar of Fire that led Israel through the wilderness. Thousands of eyes looking at It coming right down over where I was standing. And said, 'As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall cover the earth and forerun the Second Coming of Christ.'”

“A Court Trial” (64-0412).

However, he contradicted that claim by stating, “I think It's the same One that led the children of Israel”,


“When I was baptizing hundreds down at the Ohio River at the foot of Spring Street in Jeffersonville, where thousands were blacked on the bank… At right at two o’clock in the afternoon, I was baptizing the seventeenth person. I started to pray, and thousands standing there looking. And down from the heavens came that green, whirling down like a big star in the distance. When It got close, It was that Light, a Pillar of Fire.

I think It’s the same One that led the children of Israel in the days that went before Moses. And It’s in the church today. It’s here tonight, the same Pillar of Fire.” “Believe Ye That I Am Able To Do This?” (50-0820E).


He contradicted his claims further by stating, “It was like a Pillar of Fire” and was a Man,


“One night while in prayer, away, there was a Man come walking to me on the floor. And I seen Him; this was not a vision. It was the Man. I'd heard His voice many times, saw Him when I baptized at the river, and I was first ordained a Baptist minister. Had my revival, baptized five hundred, my converts, after a two weeks meeting at the foot of Spring Street. And right there all the local papers packed the article of it: "Mystic Light Hangs Over Minister While Baptizing. " And It can't... It was like a Pillar of Fire. And It hung down there and they... And then, the people asked me about It, and they got me scared, and told me It was the devil.” “Why I'm Praying For The Sick.” (54-0314).


When referring to the “Light”, which he claimed was also photographed over his head in in Houston, Texas in 1950, he likewise asserted that It was “the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel”, but made it known that it was just his “opinion” and he “thought” the Light was that Pillar of Fire,


“This was by the FBI, fingerprint and document; here it is, the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel. It's in Washington D.C. as the only supernatural Being was ever photographed.” “The Door of the Door” (57-1212).

“Now, this picture—this picture which was taken, this Light that was on this picture is, 

to my opinion, the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel.” “God's Provided Way Of Dealing With Sin” (54-0305).

To my opinion, and if I'm wrong God forgive me, and as your brother, I think it's the same pillar of fire that led the children of Israel.” “The Queen of Sheba” (58-0107).

To my opinion, It’s the same Angel of God that followed the children of Israel from Egypt unto Palestine. You know as a scholar yourself, that was the Angel of the Covenant, none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. And when here on earth, manifested in flesh, He did not claim to be a great Person.” “The Twentieth-Century Prophet” (53-0800).

His claim that the “Light” over the Ohio River at “two o'clock in the afternoon” was the “same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel” is also contradicted by the Bible because Exodus 13:21–22 establishes that ​​God did not ever use the “Pillar of Fire” in the daytime to lead them, but only used the “Pillar of Cloud” for that purpose. (See the post here that demonstrates the false nature of William Branham's claims about the “Pillar of Fire.”)


Apparent False Claim About What is Stated in His

Book, “Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever”


In 1954, William Branham made the following statement in a sermon he preached about the above-referenced booklet, “Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever”,

Look in the little book, the first one I written called 'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever,' how the big newspapers of Louisville, Kentucky, and all, said, 'A mystic light appears over a local Baptist minister while baptizing.' When He stood down there and told me right there before at least ten thousand people, that this thing that was coming to pass, said, 'Your ministry will be as John the Baptist was, was sent forth as a forerunner of the first coming of Christ; your ministry will be the bringing forth of the second coming of Christ.'” “The Maniac Of Gadara” (54-0720A).


The above claim is false because that booklet of his contains no mention of “newspapers” stating that “A mystic light appears over a local Baptist minister while baptizing”, as is

evident here.



Below is a video that further demonstrates the untrue and contradictory aspects of the “1933 baptism.”

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